Publication Information
Publisher: Urbanism Publications In collaboration with other universities
Director-in-Charge: Ehsan Dorostkar
Editor-in-Chief: Roghayeh Vadaie Kheiri
Manager: Mahsa Najarsadeghi
Online ISSN: 2717-0918
Summary of journal statistics
Last Volume: 6, Last Issue: 10, Submitted Articles: 623, Accepted Articles: 82, Rejected Articles: 541, Articles Each Issue: 12, Admission Rate:: 25, View Articles: 41135, Download Articles File: 8825, Indexed: 14
Scientific Journal of Iranian Urbanism specializes in the field of urbanism and trends in urban planning, regional planning, urban design, urban management, urban development, urban environment, urban landscape and..This journal is trying to get several national and international indexes. Hence, the quality of the articles published in this journal is very important. Scientific Journal of Iranian Urbanism publishes articles for Free after review and judging.
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Type of credit: Scientific
Publication Sequence: Bi-Quarterly
Arbitration type: two-way secret
Average judging time: 6 to 12 weeks
Journal language: Persian - English (publishing abstracts in English)
Release type: Electronic
Access type: Free (full text)
Thematic category: Yes
Number of pages allowed: 10 to 20 pages
Cost of review, judging, admission and printing: Free

Issue 10
1.Investigating the causes of unauthorized building construction and solutions in Marivan city
Heydar Rastkhadiv & Arman Rastkhadiv
2.Explaining the concept of urban design grammar in the pattern of the historical urban fabric
Sara Rashki, Asghar Molaei
3.A review of the feasibility of redesigning a livable street aims to improve vitality (Shariati St., between the Qolhak junction to the intersection of Kolahdooz St.)
Shima Haji Abadi, Saeideh Mohtasham Amiri
4.Examining the role of public art in promoting social interactions Case study: 15 Khordad walkable way in Tehran
Abdulhamid Ghanbaran, Hanieh Sadeghi
5.Iran Contemporary Architecture and the globalization problematic (a Review of the Iran contemporary architecture failure causes to achieving
Amir Davood Maslahatjoo, Maryam Ghasemi Sichani, Vahid Ghobadian, Bijan Abdolkarimi
6. Developing a conceptual model of the impact of sustainable urban regeneration projects on mental health of citizens
Sanaz Fanaei, Gholamreza Haghighat Naeini
7. Substructure and Superstructure Functions of Shushtar Historical Hydraulic System from the perspective Urban Infrastructure and Facilities
Nioosha Aghsaee Asl, Fatemehalsadat Afsahhosseini
8. Providing A Model for Locating Educational Spaces (Study Case: Second Grade High School for Girls)
Kimia Sadat Tabibzadeh, Mahyar Ardeshiri
9. Providing A Model for Locating Educational Spaces (Study Case: Second Grade High School for Girls)
Mahmood Shoorcheh
10. Examining the effective factors in promoting the vitality of Tourist Walkways, Case example: South Lalezar St., Tehran
Abdulhamid Ghanbaran, Nafiseh Arafati
11. Prediction and estimation of Qeshm urban runoff and flood with SWMM hydrological model
Maryam Bayrami, Abolfazl Mansouri Etminan
12. Investigating the quality and identity of the urban landscape of the old bazaar of Kabul city
Khalilurahman Haidari, Mohammad Rezaei Nadushan